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Importance of enclosure and fencing fabrics for crops

  1. Physical protection to avoid unwanted people or animals from entering the fields.
  2. Physical protection/barrier to avoid and control risks of deterioration in greenhouses by dust or contamination of crops due to applications on neighboring crops, avoid drift of agrochemicals from neighboring crops.
  3. Separation of neighboring lots.

How to install enclosure netting or fabrics

  1. Identify the perimeter of the property where the fabric or net is going to be installed.
  2. Use posts or stakes every two meters to ensure correct attachment of the fabric.
  3. Properly stretch out and staple every two meters, 3 staples every 50 cm, from top to bottom.


  • Prevent passage of unwanted people and animals.
  • Facilitate demarcation of perimeters.
  • Economical physical barrier.
  • Easy handling and installation.


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