Why should you use our products

The use of our products helps in weed control (avoiding the use of herbicides), pest control (reduces the use of agrochemicals), biological and organic control of pathogens, reduction of high water consumption, separation of the different planting lots with physical barriers to prevent sector-to-sector contamination and generate staggered production. We provide solutions for the post-harvest of cut flowers. All within the framework of compliance with the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).

Why should plant support netting be used in flower crops

  1. To keep flower stems straight.
  2. To implement high densities in a crop without having a detrimental effect on production and harvest.
  3. To facilitate stem harvesting by the operator at the end of the cycle.
  4. To optimize phytosanitary applications because it keeps stems at a distance so that the applied product will penetrate.


  1. Implementation of good agricultural practices for export regulations.
  2. To maintain an optimal internal environment for the crop.
  3. To optimize planting density within the crops.
  4. Solutions for the final post-harvest packaging of flowers.
  5. To keep the flower stems straight.
  6. To implement high densities in a crop without having a detrimental effect on production and harvest.
  7. To make harvesting easier for the operator.
  8. To optimize phytosanitary applications because it keeps stems at a distance so that the applied product will penetrate.
  9. Decrease of labor in field cultivation and cultivation risks, providing greater production and cost efficiency.


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