Why should you use our products

The use of our products helps to efficiently control temperature and environmental conditions in poultry houses, and reduce bird stress due to overcrowding, improves quality of light that influences egg quality, helps as physical barriers for controlling predators, and helps in the segmentation of bird ages. We provide infrastructure solutions for the construction of laying bird cages, obtaining clean eggs and reducing breakage.

Solutions for poultry farm enclosures

  1. Cartonplast dividers for poultry house sides and floor.
  2. Perimetral enclosure with white or green fabrics.
  3. Plastic enclosure netting to reinforce fencing.
  4. Side chicken coop netting to prevent birds from escaping and predators from entering poultry houses.


  1. Side enclosures to sectorize poultry houses.
  2. Net to prevent birds from escaping and predators from entering poultry houses.
  3. Shade fabrics to generate a favorable environment inside poultry houses for the welfare of birds.
  4. Improvement of safety with the implementation of cartonplast flooring for easier handling and cleaning of waste.
  5. Our fabrics improve quality of light that influences egg quality.


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