How to choose the most appropriate textile fabric.

For the correct ground cover choice, we must consider:

Spatial location of the crop structure:

  1. Distance between furrows: distance between the sowing lengths defined in the crop.
  2. Distance between the crop structure support columns.

Control Variables of Interest:

  1. Identify the different variables that affect the crop and that I wish to control (weeds, pests, water use, field cultivation, fruit safety, efficiency in nutritional and phytosanitary applications).
  2. Identify the desired effect on the plant (elongation, precocity of harvest).
  3. Adequate temperature level for the crop.

How to install the ground cover.

  1. Prepare the pre-sowing field: disinfection, corrections and furrow preparation.
  2. Adapt the irrigation system: install irrigation pipes and tapes.
  3. Spatially locate the crop structure: length and width of area to cover.
  4. Properly orient the ground cover (applies only to two-colored textile fabrics.)
  5. Identify the topography to make appropriate folds looking for the correct adjustment to the field.
  6. Cut with a heat-generating element (e.g. a soldering iron) to avoid fraying.
  7. Securing with 20 cm wire staples, 12-14 gauge, and located one meter apart from each other.


  1. Prevents weed growth by minimizing the entry of sunlight into the soil.
  2. Promotes efficient irrigation water administration.
  3. Its permeable characteristics prevent waterlogging.
  4. Reduced production costs by reducing the use of agrochemicals.
  5. Dissuaded insects. f. Mitigates soil erosion processes caused by rain and wind.


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