Efficiency of harvesting tarpaulin for the coffee harvesting process

  1. Savings in harvesters’ labor costs, reducing harvesting costs.
  2. Decreased loss of beans on the ground.
  3. Helps to control the coffee berry borer.
  4. Tarpaulin resistant to the effort involved in coffee harvesting.

How to use the coffee harvesting tarpaulin

  1.  Adapt the lot: lot without weeds to avoid tarpaulin breakage.
  2. Tarpaulin should be used by two people.
  3. Extend the fabrics and join the tarpaulin with the female and male velcro.
  4. Two people should spread out the tarpaulin on the ground.
  5. Install (tarpaulin) at the base of the trees, along the furrows.
  6. Attach the tarpaulin pieces with velcro around the stalk.
  7. Shake the stalk so that fruits fall on the tarpaulin or manually pick the fruits and place them on the tarpaulin.
  8. Clean (remove) leaf litter and waste.
  9. Lift the tarpaulin so that fruits will be grouped in the center.
  10. Place them in a PP sack or container.


  1. Greater harvest production. Efficiency in coffee harvesting, increasing production up to 80%, compared with traditional harvesting.
  2. Reduced losses due to coffee falling to the ground.
  3. Optimization in labor management due to less physical effort by harvesters.
  4. Contributes to the control of coffee berry borer.


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