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Excala Group is a trademark owned by Compañía de Empaques S.A., identified by TIN 890.900.285-3, whose use is limited to persons and companies authorized by the company.
This Privacy Notice establishes the terms and conditions under which Compañía de Empaques S.A., identified by TIN 890.900.285-3 and with registered address at Carrera 42- 86- 25, Itagüí, shall process your personal data.
The processing of personal data by Compañía de Empaques S.A. involves collection, storage, use, and circulation, fulfilled according to the purposes established within the data processing policy; likewise, the rights of the holders are protected and guaranteed in accordance with the procedures set forth in the same policy, which can be consulted on the website: grupoexcala.com, under the link “data processing policy” at the bottom of the website. For the exercise of rights of holders, the following e-mail address is available: basesdedatos@grupoexcala.com, and the phone No.: 3658888 ext. 901.