Más resultados
We started with the processing of fique fiber for the manufacture of sacks, textile fabrics, rope, cordage, plush, and tapestries, basically to meet the growing production of Colombian coffee for Colombia and the world.
We moved from Guayaquil to new larger facilities on Colombia Street.
SintraEmpaques union is formed.
We have a new branch, Cía de Empaques moves to its branch in Itagüí.
We evolve to create the leading polypropylene plant in Colombia, the first plastic plant of the Company is installed. First polypropylene packaging plant. TEXCOMERCIAL is born, a distribution channel for our products.
Innovation continues. First CARTONPLAST plastic cardboard plant.
The new collective bargaining agreement is executed, a new way of working as a team. We made union our strength so that our common goals would make us greater.
We never stopped evolving and opened our first plastic netting plant.
We continue walking and opening new paths, Texcomercial Ecuador is born.
The Union Contract is agreed upon, a collective contract modality, which today has more than one thousand members participating in the union contract.
We continue to open up to the world. The company begins to strengthen its export area by opening up to the Latin American market.
We have a new president: PEDRO MIGUEL ESTRADA LONDOÑO.
Our technological renovation process begins, and has allowed us to strengthen and grow internationally.
We executed an agreement with the Military Detention Center, initially benefiting more than 180 people in the re-socialization of former military personnel deprived of their freedom; from that year onwards, we have continued with this re-socialization agreement.
Compañía de Empaques Internacional is created and we opened our plant in the Rionegro Free-Trade Zone to meet the growing international demand.
We celebrate 80 years as a leading company in the sector of natural fibers and plastics.
We are now more than just a packaging company; we are Grupo Excala.